

1766 Uppsatser om History of the universities - Sida 1 av 118

En riktig professor: Om forskarideal och dess påverkan på några individers relation till forskaryrket

Although women have had access to colleges and universities in Sweden for quite some timeand the share of women at the undergraduate level has been high for many years (40% by thelate 1950:s, nowadays women are a majority at that level), still the share of women professorsis low. This paper will study some researchers? view on how a professor should be, and alsohow they relate themselves to that ideal. The method used is qualitative interviews, whichhave then been analysed by discourse analysis. The paper also contains a discussion on theHistory of the universities from the Middle Ages and forward, to show how the impact of thathistorical legacy affects universities today.Eight respondents were interviewed, four women and four men.

Att attrahera potentiella studenter: en fallstudie om svenska universitets och högskolors marknadskommunikation

The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of how Swedish universities work with their marketing communication aimed at potential domestic students. The study focuses on how universities design and select channels for the marketing communication. A case study was conducted where four respondents from two Swedish universities were interviewed in order to generate empirical data. The results show that key factors for marketing communication are uniformity, honesty and trustworthiness. The results suggest that marketing communication should focus on the student?s experiences of university life and being a student, rather than marketing the university?s core service: education.

SAB-systemet och ämnet religion en studie av ett klassifikationssystems förmåga att klassificera en vetenskaplig discipline.

Classification systems express an idea of the world as it was when the systems was made. If the classification system is not revised there is a possibility that the system will become antique and hard to apply to different subjects. The purpose of this study is to see if the SAB-system is a classification system which shows a reflection of the subject Religion that is equivalent with that of Swedish universities. The ideas which are behind the classification of the subject religion in the SAB-system have been analysed, as well as the structuring of the scientific discipline Religion at the universities. The result will show if the SAB-system can classify the subject religion in a satisfying way at university libraries.

En plattform för det fria ordet En studie om hanteringen av extremism vid fyra svenska universitet

This master thesis? purpose is to examine the role of Swedish universities in the prevention of extremism and terrorism. Depending on how the universities look upon their role in preventing extremism and promoting democracy among their students, extremism can either flourish or be restrained in the higher learning environment. An unclear standpoint against extremism from the universities side could make it possible for extremism to prosper at the universities, and students with extremist opinions may be radicalized and recruited to extremist organizations and terrorism. What are the universities standpoints in the matter whether universities should promote democracy and prevent and restrain extremism and the recruitment of students to extremist organizations? During the study I have mainly been using primary material in the shape of semi structured interviews with predecessors of four Swedish universities.

Välkommen, vill du bli som oss : En studie av införandet av medborgarskapstester i Danmark, Tyskland och Storbritannien

The aim of the study is to evaluate how a law decided 2002 regarding discrimination against students in the higher education system in Sweden, was implemented at the University of Kalmar and Växjö University.The study asks two questions: How did the both universities implement the law? How did the universities manage to implement the law? In order to answer these questions the ?top-down? perspective, often used in field social science within discipline implementation, is used. First the study examines the goals with the legislation, and thereafter the actual implementation at the both examined universities.The conclusion is that the universities has high ambitions with implementation of the law and extensive formalized regulations but that it practically seems to be hard to get legitimacy with the implementation throughout the whole organizations. This makes the implementation work slowly though it?s working well with the people who have direct responsibility for the implementation..

Lag om likabehandling av studenter i högskolan : - en implementeringsstudie av Växjö universitets och Högskolan i Kalmars likabehandlingsarbete

The aim of the study is to evaluate how a law decided 2002 regarding discrimination against students in the higher education system in Sweden, was implemented at the University of Kalmar and Växjö University.The study asks two questions: How did the both universities implement the law? How did the universities manage to implement the law? In order to answer these questions the ?top-down? perspective, often used in field social science within discipline implementation, is used. First the study examines the goals with the legislation, and thereafter the actual implementation at the both examined universities.The conclusion is that the universities has high ambitions with implementation of the law and extensive formalized regulations but that it practically seems to be hard to get legitimacy with the implementation throughout the whole organizations. This makes the implementation work slowly though it?s working well with the people who have direct responsibility for the implementation..

Ett halvt steg ut i arbetslivet: - En studie om internships som interaktionsform mellan akademi och näringsliv

Internship is a new form of interaction between the academic world and the market and a phenomena increasingly popular among elite universities in Europe. The educational system has traditionally kept an academic approach where the institutions for higher education have acted isolated without extensive influence from the market. Today pressure from the market has led to intensified interaction between the universities and companies among many European elite universities. We have carried out a situational analysis concerning interaction between the academic institutions and companies in Europe. More specifically, we looked at the potential for Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) to strengthen its position on the educational market by adjusting its strategies and implement internships as a part of the education.

I fornforskarens krets : -En undersökning av relationer och möten i Föreningens för Nerikes folkspråk och fornminnen verksamhet 1856-1887

This paper investigates how students in the humanities in four universities in Sweden reflect on their education and the current view on the humanities as an education and a science. I want to investigate what impact the past few years public debate about the humanities have had on the students. What kind of beliefs and identities do the students of the humanities form and how do they discuss the universities, the choices they made in life and how do they feel about the future.This study is based on interviews with seventeen students in Sweden from four different universities. The research is also based upon a report that The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) published in 2011 and the debate following that report. I have also made participant observations on the four universities to make a broader description for the reader.

Lokalhistoria : Intervjuundersökning med lärare i Kalmar och Vetlanda

This essay is about local history in history teaching in two cities; Kalmar and Vetlanda. The purpose was to see how teachers in Kalmar and Vetlanda define local history and what kind of local history they teach their students. I have also examined what benefits of didactics the teachers see in teaching local history. In order to find out I interviewed four history teachers at three schools in Kalmar and two history teachers at one school in Vetlanda. Some of the interviews were carried out over the telephone and the rest at the teachers´s schools.

Genom kunskaper om historien förstår vi nuet : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar av historieämnet

The purpose of this survey is to better understand how students in Swedish upper secondary school perceive knowledge in history. 44 students from two different schools took part in the survey. The students partaking were asked to make a rough plan for a course in history, in which they were to both suggest contents of the course and also motivate their choice of content by arguing their view of the purpose of knowledge in history. The results of the survey were then compared to the curriculum of the history subject. The survey shows that a majority of the students asked find modern history, especially World War 1 & 2, and Swedish history to be of importance.

Informationsteknik och högskolan ? policy och verklighet

The main objective of this thesis is to examine the situation concerning information technology, computers and information resources for university students at a selection of universities, and their libraries, in Sweden. Another objective is to compare this situation to what is stated in policy documents on the subject, and if the size of the university matters regarding resources. The thesis starts with a discussion of several authors, Frank Webster, Paul F. Burton and Lars Qvortrup among others, and their views on the information society. These range from whether we are living in it, are in a transition period or are still in the Industrial Society.

Vaddå matematiksvårigheter : En studie utifrån elevens perspektiv om svårigheter och kritiska moment vid lärandet i matematik

This paper investigates how students in the humanities in four universities in Sweden reflect on their education and the current view on the humanities as an education and a science. I want to investigate what impact the past few years public debate about the humanities have had on the students. What kind of beliefs and identities do the students of the humanities form and how do they discuss the universities, the choices they made in life and how do they feel about the future.This study is based on interviews with seventeen students in Sweden from four different universities. The research is also based upon a report that The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) published in 2011 and the debate following that report. I have also made participant observations on the four universities to make a broader description for the reader.

Var kommer vi ifrån? Vilka är vi? Vart är vi på väg? : Humaniorastudenters föreställningar om utbildning och framtid

This paper investigates how students in the humanities in four universities in Sweden reflect on their education and the current view on the humanities as an education and a science. I want to investigate what impact the past few years public debate about the humanities have had on the students. What kind of beliefs and identities do the students of the humanities form and how do they discuss the universities, the choices they made in life and how do they feel about the future.This study is based on interviews with seventeen students in Sweden from four different universities. The research is also based upon a report that The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) published in 2011 and the debate following that report. I have also made participant observations on the four universities to make a broader description for the reader.

De behöver...mer från grunden : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med språklig medvetenhet i en klass med svenska som andraspråk

Background: The competition is getting harder between the universities. To reach the high school students and discover which means of contact they prefer and how they perceive student recruitment are important issues in order to succeed in marketing strategies.Purpose: The purpose with our report is to investigate, analyze and compare the student recruitment in three universities and investigate how the high school students want to be contacted. Then we compare to see if they think alike.Method: We have done a qualitative study and chosen to use focus group interviews for the high school students and interviews for the universities to collect our empirical data. We have compared the empirical data and analyzed it with communication processes and marketing communication as theoretical grounds.Result: All of the universities work approximately the same way with their student recruitment. They put a large effort in the Internet and social networks as well as the personal contact.

Från elev till student : En jämförelse av tre högskolors studentrekrytering och gymnasieelevers perspektiv

Background: The competition is getting harder between the universities. To reach the high school students and discover which means of contact they prefer and how they perceive student recruitment are important issues in order to succeed in marketing strategies.Purpose: The purpose with our report is to investigate, analyze and compare the student recruitment in three universities and investigate how the high school students want to be contacted. Then we compare to see if they think alike.Method: We have done a qualitative study and chosen to use focus group interviews for the high school students and interviews for the universities to collect our empirical data. We have compared the empirical data and analyzed it with communication processes and marketing communication as theoretical grounds.Result: All of the universities work approximately the same way with their student recruitment. They put a large effort in the Internet and social networks as well as the personal contact.

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